Code Of Ethics

July 26, 2021

Inner Wave is committed to building an inclusive community that embraces all people at our events, and we reject all forms of discrimination and harassment. Our band members, business team, and touring staff promise to keep fostering safe spaces where all feel respected and welcomed.   

This policy is designed to clearly communicate our standards of behavior for ourselves, our peers, and the people we do business with. Harassment, in any form, will not be tolerated.

We have taken the Our Music My Body pledge below to show our commitment to building a music community that condemns and combats sexual or domestic violence. Our Music My Body is a campaign led by Resilience to raise awareness about sexual harassment and domestic violence in the music scene. We, along with the people at Resilience, believe everyone deserves to feel comfortable and safe when they go to a concert or festival. Our Music My Body works with festival and venue staff, musicians, and music fans to create fun and consensual music experiences for all. 

By taking the pledge, we are committing to the following:

  • Believing survivors

  • Having a written anti-harassment/anti-violence policy 

  • Displaying that policy on our website, social media, and on-site at shows

  • Having an on-site presence of advocates from domestic violence or sexual assault organizations, such as those with Our Music My Body, at our shows

  • Recognizing Sexual Harassment and Assault

    • Sexual Harassment – Any unwanted behavior of a sexual nature

    • Sexual Assault – Any sexual activity without consent

    • Consent – A freely given and enthusiastic yes

We are also committing to creating a culture of consent within our team by:

  • Seeking out education on preventing sexual harassment at our shows from anti-violence educators 

  • Working with my team to develop guidelines for accountability when harm does happen that center the survivor of harm.

Next, we will foster a culture of consent and accountability at our shows by requiring venues we perform at to: 

  • Partner with local anti-violence orgs to educate their staff on preventing harm - and responding to incidents of violence 

  • Make survivor resources readily available for fans either via local orgs tabling the event or distributing materials in the venue.

Finally, we vow to financially support and uplift domestic violence and sexual assault survivor agencies who are doing the work to end violence for good. In taking these steps, we hope that we can build a safer future for all music fans.

For more information about the Our Music My Body campaign and to explore how we can all work together to end gender-based violence in music, visit or contact the campaign directly at Additionally, if you'd like to learn more about Resilience, visit



Inner Wave

Pablo, Elijah, Jean Pierre, Luis, Jose


Individual declarations from us and our team

Pablo Sotelo / Jean Pierre Narvaez / Elijah Trujillo / Luis Portillo / Jose Cruz (band)

Gonzo Lubel / Cristina Pillajo (mgmt)

If you want a blank one for yourself, download it here.